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I Hope She

I Hope She I hope she heals I hope she feels as well as is imaginable Imagine a whole — life of this. I hope

I Hope She…

I Hope She I hope she finds… Finds, Discovers and disrobes that soul, standing on a soil slightly distant from where she is… I hope

I Hope She….

I Hope She. I hope she finds … I hope she finds that Defines that which works It. Works as she does. She does. It’s

She Knows….

She knows… Certainly …… she does.. She knows the blueprint of life… Where it lives, what it is… She………… She is. She will be.. She..

She exudes

She exudes What she exudes. … Sensory stimulation anew.. A sensuality… She was sent without duality.. She exudes a new scent Reminiscent but isn’t Anyone

But when…

But then, then when … Oh my, oh my ….. Oh my precious skies–when She cries. These, these two, this pair of eyes. These E-Y-E’s.

Still…. –She.

Still…. –She. Still, she is. .. She – she is… She is our air, the oxygen, the water when you swim… she is in every

She Has

She Holds — Holds– You– She has Has –you– Tight in those talons.. She is right with those talents… She’s exceptional… An exception—– simply Simply

She Transcends

Sh.e She transcends. Yes, she travels beyond that which we comprehend– She transcends Her light -it never ends An in-fin- ite energy She, she transcends.


She leaves- She runs She is out at once She makes out – with suns of moons She is noon – light She is tune