She is Here, Now

… Today.
Sh.E.Is. here Now- Today

She is ever-present, forever – present, here in ..
present, she is.
She is handling dishes, laundry,

don’t stop me

-don’t stop me is what she announces each time ‘father ‘Time’ makes waves to interrupt her. She waves the corner guy off, insists on fighting ’til fists won’t lift, she states her needs, her needs to live….

She, she is.
She is caring for three, catering to thee, compassionate is she, she is.

Sh.E. Is.

The pen, pencil, lapiz, paint brush, aerosol spray can, marker, marked her cupboards with a few choice spices, fruit bowl is plentiful, decorated with yellow-lime still green bananas, while oranges shimmer in sparkle, shine from sunlight, shining skin as hers may begin to taste her age. She gleans more warmth than these oranges can, interacting with the sun as it pours in; past spotted windows, ducking below a potted plant, dangling from her wired contraption.
… Leaning in to catch the rays, another morning waves … It waves…

Goodbye as she departs from an apart- ment, she’s hardly spent a whole day here, but she is here: Now. She is here. Now.
Apples are paired, one a tad grander in size, resting atop the edge of this display, she let’s it lay beneath her window sill ..

Beneath are still; thoughts, dreams, feelings, raging ravines, emotions, outpourings that have never poured out, she wants to pour her heart but turns torso to direct eyes on coffee pot, she needs it hot, she needs it. She knows that she is here, now. She is here. Now.

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