She is Only-Always Love …
She is Love, forever… Love
is all she’ll ever be..
She is Perfectly loving, Lovely.
Love, she is.
She is a single olive from thee
From the olive tree.. She is the feeling of fingers that dance .. Hop atop your surface ’til nervous is noticeably eased, she’s at ease. …
She is each, every single branch,
each leaf.. Yes, she is the lesson
..learned and how you teach.
She is all. All of the love
Love that is, that lives … That ever was.
She is the buds ~
Those that increase your powers.. Those.. that bring beauty from flowers.
The Blooming of Flowers.
Her Love is -it, lasting it will never quit.
Her Love is all .. It is the last — only. It is the only straw you’ll need to sip with, she is the perfect drink – with. With cool, when warm.
She is. What has arrived, she rose, she is-rose -petal precious. This beauty is all that may exist, it is.
It is the only outcome, the only possible outpouring, she is out-scoring all opponents. She Owns This.. This game, this arena, each stadium is hers.. She is sure … She is yours.
She is Only-Always Love …
A love to fill your cup, heal, reveal and remain .. She, she will refrain from injuring you as she sees your wounds.
She will Love and only-always love,
she will love. She is a scented perfume, herself;
a long stem in support –
of your … your beauty.
She is a luscious light,
a breeze of liquid lavender –
She is in your path to brighten up, up and more up … Your
pathway has been laid
with love, her love, for she is- your love.
Your love made of sweet tastes, compounded and compiled..
She is the message you filed, she is… The only data you’ll ever input, she has been placed in your internal–
drive as Love.
She is Only-Always Love …