This rain splashes, it collapses on concrete grounds that remain almost unchanged…
… as -it- rains… as -it falls,
….. it drops…
this rain…
calls and cancels out spells with -new spells,
a few too many to count, these Rain drops blast skin….. this rain will fall.
I won’t care at all if it continues.
In fact I’m a glad lad, grateful for it all.
Grateful to breathe… grateful for each visible leave.
The rain drops fall, subsiding when …
When these clouds are satisfied, they have completely abandoned their mission to purge..
These clouds released, expelled all that which leaps – on the grounds beneath..
These raindrops drip- down windows’ skin, providing me …. granting me, bestowing upon me a perfect moment … with the blessings …
A perfect meditation.
…. the perfect meditation.