What .. what if… ???
……. What if I ???
What if……
If this
-good Eye that I look through were to do as my lazy one has done..
What might come?
A blurred sight, the words I’d write would only then be uttered.
Orated speech, she would have to teach. She would have that choice to listen. She could listen.
Teach me -where – … She could show me. Guide me… But I see-
That she does. She is, she was.
Where I was- where I’m going ..
She’d have to show me.
What??? What–
What. …. …….if I was blind and could not see… If these two –
lenses that I do
–look through could only view you through an imagined sense.
I’d imagine scents…
…Like the cinnamon laced scent you leant as I leaned in. Soaked in her hairs speech I could reach to touch –
the – feel. Would I feel then that she was even more unreal? What would I feel?
I imagine sense –
-would be spoken…
–Your beauty it would still be of a heavenly-healing –high -above my- sensory state.
Still in – the realm of fate.
Still in — still.
…….What if –she is??
What if –she is???
What if –is- it is –what- I ask…
If she is –God, a – god, thee –
God…–. … I ask in this way: with reverence…
I pay a great
but I say this –
with –
I ask so as …
To inquire –
if she …
May be?? Maybe, could be..??
Who knows??
I know not.
Claim not to know.
I now know —
I know.
I know what beauty is and where- it is. But what if??
What if — is what I beg.
If …
I beg of her to accept –
my whole heart as it —
sends a series of apologies.
She calls all –
all –
– all that are said..
all of these – -attempts
She makes an address–
She makes a proclamation-
She makes a statement when
she claims –when ..
When I apologize that I disguise
a me-it hides a ‘me’.
She tries to say— don’t you see —
It’s futile — she accepts no apologies
-What if …..
what if — ….
… she is God??
Or God is She??
What if she’s the Tao?
Outside explanation–
She Sparks —
a stark sensation
The great unspoken-
-super –power … or —
-even The Mother, creator.
It’s she, she is the creator? —
If that’s so, I’m speaking so..
Out of turn, out of my …
She is the ambition, for us to live our vision.
She is –The creation? .. No??
What if — ‘she’s’ —
the way — the way to begin??—
What if she’s the -source?
The source –
of life, of light, of all that which is worth -your eyes
Your- sight to see? The reason for your sight.
What if it is she???
What if She is -thee –
The —Globes beauty?
What if she.. Is the Universe??
What if she -knows – beauty?
….. She is so well ..
… -lived –
that she is… life… She is life.
she is — …
.. . Beauty is with her.
—they may have made a pact?
Her and Beauty.
If it were she. …
she would take beauty with her as if her friend was a friend on a first name basis??
what if her and beauty became an oasis??
An oasis for you to walk to?
to walk with?
what if she’s it??
what if she’s sound??
What, what if??
What if all the worlds energy came through this beauty?
What? What if??